

26 Uppsatser om Interactional metadicourse - Sida 1 av 2

Talutrymme i ett skolklassrum : Av var och en efter förmåga, åt var och en efter behov

The purpose of this study was to investigate interactional patterns in the context of a fifth grade class in Sweden. It was also to investigate whether the interactional patterns of the class and their teacher was subject to any change dependent on the lesson subject, specifically mathmatics and science. The study was conducted through observations and interviews. The results of the study varied somewhat from the results of earlier studies within the same field of research. The girls of this class was more likely than the boys to initiate interaction with the teacher or other pupils.

Barns kulturskapande : En etnografisk studie om förskolebarns interaktion

AbstractThe aim of the research presented in this thesis is to study how interactional strategies are used by children and what these strategies mean or imply in the preschool cultural context. The theoretical point of departure in the study is the socio-cultural perspective (William Corsaro, Roger Säljö, Jim Wertsch). The study is a contribution to the field of research that focuses upon contextual issues and an overall way of seeing the child. This is in opposition to the strong traditional psychological perspective in the development of the child, where a focus upon the individual dominates in special education. This ethnographic study aims to answer the following research questions; What interactional strategies are co-constructed by the children in preschool play? How do the interactional strategies influence the creation of culture in preschool play? The children, 3-5 years olds, and their play situation were in focus.

Relationen mellan motivation och målorientering, upplevd förmåga samt uppfattat motivationsklimat hos gymtränande kvinnor och män

The purpose was to examine relations between motivation and goal orientation, perceived ability and perceived motivational climate among persons working out in gym. Another purpose was to study differences in motivation, perceived ability and motivational climate among men and women. The final purpose was to study interactional effects on the dependent variable motivation. The participants were 59 men and 69 women. The instruments used were Task and Ego Goal Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), Harter´s Competence scale and part of Mahoneys R-5 test.

Lika män leka bäst? : En studie om kvinnors hinder vid karriäravancemang.

The research in this thesis attempts to understand what happens when children (3-6 years of age) interact with each other in the context of free play in two pre-school settings when adults are not involved. The aim of the study was to get a closer look at how children create relationships and how they protect and defend their interactional spaces. Data was gathered through ethnographically inspired methodology, using video observation to capture the everyday interactions of the children. Results were analyzed using a phenomenological approach to peer cultures. Previous research suggests that it is very important for children to maintain their interactions with peers and gaining access to play.

Bemötandet inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ studie om klienters upplevelser

The aim of this study was to examine how clients who have or have previously had a drug- and/or alcohol addiction experienced interchanges with social workers. In this study, eight semi-structured interviews were made with respondents from an out-patient clinic in a small town in Sweden. Questions were asked regarding clients? experience of the social workers' attitudes during the initial meeting as well as all continuing meetings. Other possible variables that affected the interchanges, either positively or negatively, including how the clients wanted to be treated, were also explored.

Drivna män, dynamiska kvinnor? : Kontaktstrategier och könsassociationer i Nordnets platsannonser

Studiens primära syfte är att undersöka hur målgruppen potentiellt framtida kvinnliga arbetssökande upplever det språkliga tilltalet i nätbanken Nordnets platsannonser. Hypotesen att det språkliga tilltalet i Nordnets platsannonser bär spår av manliga drag och attraherar män i högre utsträckning än kvinnor är en central utgångspunkt för undersökningen som görs. Ett sekundärt syfte med studien är även att ur språkvetenskapligt perspektiv undersöka hur de relationsskapande strategierna ser ut i fem slumpmässigt utvalda platsannonser från Nordnet.Studien utgår från frågeställningar som berör attityder till det språkliga tilltalet och hur platsannonsernas relationsskapande strategier associeras med manligt eller kvinnligt språk. Frågeställningarna besvaras med hjälp av två kvantitativa metoder: en enkätundersökning samt en textanalys, vars resultat legat till grund för enkätundersökningens utformning. 39 respondenter deltog i enkätundersökningen, varav 22 kvinnor och en kontrollgrupp på 17 män.

Kamratkulturer i förskolebarns lek

The research in this thesis attempts to understand what happens when children (3-6 years of age) interact with each other in the context of free play in two pre-school settings when adults are not involved. The aim of the study was to get a closer look at how children create relationships and how they protect and defend their interactional spaces. Data was gathered through ethnographically inspired methodology, using video observation to capture the everyday interactions of the children. Results were analyzed using a phenomenological approach to peer cultures. Previous research suggests that it is very important for children to maintain their interactions with peers and gaining access to play.

Logopeder och barn i interaktion : Samtalsanalys vid behandling av språkstörning

Speech intervention for children with language impairment aims to both strengthen specific language skills and to reinforce the ability to participate in interactional contexts. Children with language impairment often have problems in interaction; therefore the contributions of the conversational partner are of great importance. Thus, the demands are high on the speech and language pathologist (SLP) for sense and cohesion in intervention. The aim of the present study was to examine how SLPs and children with language impairment interact in language intervention. An approach influenced by Conversation Analysis was used in order to identify various phenomena that occurred, and their effect on the structure of the interaction was analyzed.Four SLPs, two men and two women, were enrolled in the study.  They participated in intervention with two children with language impairment each, i.e.

Debattens tvärmediala rörelser - en studie av tre debattformat och deras förutsättningar

This thesis studies three kinds of debate formats. Those are DN Debatt, SVT Debatt and Ring P1. The focus lies in the interrelations between these forums and how they interact with theri audience. Since debate is an essential tool for political and democratic practice, it is vital to study the movements and the realtions between these media formats. Some of the questions in this study are: What happens with a debate topic when it moves between the formats? In which way are the formats democratic and what does their communicative forms mean for political practice and citizen participation? The study shoes how the interpretation of a specific term can expand during a debate.

Oral Feedback in the EFL classroom

Lärare använder sig av olika metoder för att hjälpa studenter att utveckla de verktyg de behöver för att lära sig engelska, eller något annat ämne. En metod här är muntlig feedback, som används för att uppmuntra elever eller korrigera dem när de utför språkliga fel. Vårt mål med detta examensarbete är därför att undersöka vilka typer av muntlig feedback som kan hittas i ett klassrum där man lär sig engelska som främmande språk och vilka attityder som både lärare och studenter kan ha gentemot muntlig feedback. Tre typer av undersökningsmetoder har använts: observationer, intervjuer och enkäter. Resultatet visar på att studenter förhåller sig positivt till muntlig feedback i klassrummet, särskilt explicit corrective feedback.

?Jag vill vara där dom andra är" : Specialpedagogiska insatser ur elevperspektiv

This study was about how pupils described their school situation with special education. The specific focus was on pupils which are described as ?troubled pupils?, unconcentrated pupils?, pupils in social and emotional difficulties or characterised by similar concepts. The study was based on a sociocultural perspective and an interactional perspective. The empirical material consisted of interviews with eight pupils in age between 9 to 12 years old and who had special education.

Diskursiva handlingar och resurser i talkshows med flerpartssamtal : En samtalsanalys av tv-programmet Skavlan

This paper examines the function of narrative discourse in television talk shows. Basing our analysis on five episodes of the Swedish talk show Skavlan, we illustrate how narratives are initiated and elaborated by the participants of the show. The analysis shows that the institutional roles are challanged and that the roles vary between the host ant the guests. The analysis also shows that when guests introduce and elaborate stories they use the same discursive actions and resources as the host. When participants enter an actvie role in their storytelling the hos takes a more restrained role in which he lets the the conversation evolve spontaneously.

Förskolebarn med språksvårigheter i ett samspelsperspektiv - en fallstudie

Nilsson, Kristina (2006). Förskolebarn med språksvårigheter i ett samspelsperspektiv - en fallstudie. (Pre-school children with language difficulties in an interactional perspective - a case study). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola I mitt arbete som förskollärare har jag känt att kunskapen och beredskapen för barn med språksvårigheter ofta är bristande. Mitt syfte blir därför att att fördjupa min kunskap och öka min förståelse kring förskolebarn med språksvårigheter i ett samspelsperspektiv. Jag valde fallstudien som metod då jag därmed gavs möjligheten att utnyttja olika metoder, såsom intervjuer, observationer och dokument.

Kvalitetsarbete i fritidshemmen - en framgångsfaktor

AbstractDigital media in general and social media in particular are becoming more and more important to businesses across the globe. It is an effective way to reach out to consumers and establish a good relationship with existing customers. Most companies today use digital media in order to market themselves and to establish good public relations. A lot of those companies have also realized the enormous marketing capabilities that social media provides. However, in spite of the plethora of possibilities that comes with social media it can also, in some cases, hinder the companies ? success.

Sociala verktyg på en digital marknadsplats : Ett ramverk för användning av sociala medier i marknadsförings- och PR-syfte

AbstractDigital media in general and social media in particular are becoming more and more important to businesses across the globe. It is an effective way to reach out to consumers and establish a good relationship with existing customers. Most companies today use digital media in order to market themselves and to establish good public relations. A lot of those companies have also realized the enormous marketing capabilities that social media provides. However, in spite of the plethora of possibilities that comes with social media it can also, in some cases, hinder the companies ? success.

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